John Pattison

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Technicolor Daisy

African daisy (osteospermum)? Gerber daisy? We're not 100% sure over here. What I am sure about is that the colors of this flower catch my eye every time I walk by it on our back patio.

I know I've been posting a lot of flowers recently, which is outside my usual. What's happening is that, once again, the practice of photography has me noticing details -- in this case, the lovely flowers -- that I'd never really paid attention to before. There's no end to what can be explored, even in my own backyard.

I used a macro lens for this shot, blending two images, one focused on the petals and the other on the disk florets in the middle.

Location: Silverton, Oregon

Exposure: 1/250 second, f/5.6, ISO 500 [Focus stack of 2 images]

Focal Length: 105 mm


  • Camera: Nikon D850

  • Lens: Sigma 105mm f2.8 Macro