The Fog Clears in Astoria

[Click images to view in a lightbox.]

The last two days I’ve posted photographs from a visit I made recently to Astoria and Fort Stevens State Park. The fog was incredibly thick that night. When I woke the next day — after an uncomfortable night sleeping in my van — I saw the fog had lifted. I spent most of the morning doing bird photography at the state park, though without much success. Then I drove back to Astoria where I took these two photographs. The first is the American Pride, a paddlewheel cruise ship. The second is the Astoria Column, a 125-foot, decorated column that overlooks Astoria and the Columbia River.

American Pride

Location: Astoria, Oregon

Exposure: 1/160 second, f/5.6, ISO 64

Focal Length: 17 mm


  • Camera: Nikon D850

  • Lens: Tamron 17-35 mm f/2.8-4

Astoria Column

Location: Astoria, Oregon

Exposure: 1/100 second, f/11, ISO 64

Focal Length: 24 mm


  • Camera: Nikon D850

  • Lens: Tamron 17-35 mm f/2.8-4


Heceta Head Lighthouse


“…may your bones bleach in these sands.”